Natural disaster, Pandemic and more, if you don't fear
12/22/2020 11:58:00 AM
Since our birth, we are taught about god, as we cannot see him, but at the same time, we can experience his love and affection by breathing oxygen, drinking water, eating food and living in a suitable environment. In Marketing gimmick world, nature gives it free different products worldwide. It is a very strange thing, what have been provided by nature are the most prominent things to live, but we give importance to other things. It is the time where we google each and everything, so google it, human being needs to live. Money would not stand anywhere but oxygen, water and food. Human being is among the wise creation of nature, but his over smartness is creating drastic problems worldwide. Nature gives exact habitats to each creation where they can live peacefully, but human curiosity never ends. It is good to consider worse things and make efforts to bring them into equilibrium, but it is bad to stimulate better things and finish them into worse. Human often do R&D and sometime try to make perfect things more perfect. He enters the marine world and expect their aquatic life will let him do arbitrariness on the contrary, whenever mistakenly animals enter his boundary he is ready to destroy them. Is it right? It is humorous when he stops his breath in water and try to live in water as long as possible while he is human, and land is the perfect place to live so why he does this worse thing it reflect his expansionist attitude. Human innovations could not be denied. Switzerland is the world’s most-innovative economy followed by Sweden, the United States of America (U.S.), the United Kingdom (U.K.) and the Netherlands, according to the GII 2020. 2020 ranking of science and technology hotspots Tokyo-Yokohama is the top performing hotspot again, followed by Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou, Seoul, Beijing, and San Jose-San Francisco. Economies achieved huge levels in innovation, Science and Technology, and they are capable to predict nature surprises, but it is also true we cannot deny supreme power will. Whatever nature wants to do, it does. Sometimes it seems cruel attempt of her, but in close inspect we found foul play is also done by human too. Selfishness is a very common word, and we take it very lightly. But it is like mental disorder, when human embrace selfishness, he is wrapped up in own desires and don’t care others. There are countless instances which let the selfishness prove poisonous. Deforestation, emissions of greenhouse gases, soil erosion, Plastic use, etc. are problems which are creating huge disaster worldwide. Although, agreements are being signed over climate change, PARIS AGREEMENT is one among where Its goal is to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels. It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris, on 12 December 2015 and entered into force on 4 November 2016. These are agreement which can help to control climate change, but it seems agreements should be tabled on cruelty. Recently, horrible news was just breaking TV big screen with sad vibrations, human attempt of cruelty happened in Malappuram, Kerala where a pregnant elephant died after a local allegedly fed her a pineapple stuffed with crackers. Some News reported that locals did this horrible task to safeguard their crops from wild animals. But destroy someone's life is not the way at all. The question arises, how human being can take decisions over animals and vegetation life. Both cannot speak and escalate their grievance, so supreme power does justice by doing natural disasters. A herd of elephant was seen rummaging food around garbage areas located next to a wildlife protection zone, A landfill site in the town of Ampara Sri Lanka was created about a decade ago. It is a head scratcher sad moment that why the elephant is helpless to find his food in scrap. This is a jumbo problem in Sri Lanka on human and elephant conflict. Where human want to save their crop field and elephant does enter human boundaries or to jump scrap in search of food. Now it is the human responsibility to get solved as soon as possible. Unlike human can find good in bad, animals take the things same as displayed. If we talk about air pollution, In India, more people have been killed due to toxic air pollution in 2019 than in 2017, according to Lancet report published recently. 1.67 million deaths accounting for 18% of all fatalities. New Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai were on the list of the world’s 20 worst polluted cities. It is the human responsibility to provide a better environment to others who are also the stakeholders of nature, if not, at least let the nature as it is as it has been created. Otherwise, be ready for floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and storms, etc. Another natural treatment also here like pandemic, as we all know whole world are shivering under corona disaster. Science and Technology help to shield the entire world, but things which happened around let us know, supreme power controls the entire universe and even atom cannot change its position without his will. And if someone dares to imbalance nature the result will be worse. Being loved, spread love and respect each other habitants are good health prescriptions for nature creations. In profitable Marketing world, maverick tricks are being carried out to sell products, but nature care its creation by providing them basic things under lifetime package, Simultaneously, we should make proper utilization of natural resources.